Please sign and share this petition on all your media websites as we continue our efforts in stopping puppy mills. After a recent investigation involved in a horrific puppy mill situation, we are asking the state of Michigan legislators step up their game and better regulate these types of situations from reoccurring.
A recent husband-and-wife team operated a puppy mill at the back of their home for the purpose of monetary gain, without even considering the pain and suffering these animals went through. Poor dogs lived in cages and rabbit hutches on top of each other soaked in urine and feces. This particular puppy mill in Midland, Michigan was put out of business and the animals rescued, but this is just another example of an ongoing problem that needs to be fully highlighted and addressed by authorities.
Michigan Department of Agriculture and the Guardians Of Rescue Organization need your help and support in a continued effort to stop the running of puppy mills in the state. Please sign and share this petition everywhere possible as we make our voices heard to the Michigan legislators, asking them to implement stricter laws and regulations against the running of puppy mills strict enforcement and punishment.
Michigan State legislators - The running of puppy mills is a continuing problem and concern nationwide, including your own state of Michigan. Someone needs to stand up and be heard in order to stop this animal abuse and cruelty that the sweet puppies endure in a puppy mill situation. They do not have a voice but we are asking you to please regulate stronger laws and regulations against puppy mills strict enforcement that will stop such practices permanently. Please help stop all puppy mills!!!!