The Humane Society of the United States proposed a new bill that would increase penalties for watching illegal animal fights. Currently, animal fighting spectators in Tennessee face a fairly insignificant fine of $50. The new proposal would raise that fine to a hefty $2,500, with an additional fine for bringing a child to an animal fight. This would discourage people from participating in these blood sports and sharing the hobby with impressionable children.
Both dog fights and livestock fights (such as cockfights) are included in the proposal. Dog fighting is a serious problem in society that affects more than the animals involved. It encourages irresponsible breeders and dog owners to develop vicious dogs, and innocent dogs are stolen from loving homes or obtained cheaply online or from shelters to use in fights.
Tennessee must act to prevent violent animal fights. Please sign the petition to urge state legislators to pass the bill to raise penalties for animal fighting!
We, the undersigned, are writing to support a new bill that would increase penalties for watching illegal animal fights in the state of Tennessee.
As you know, the Humane Society of the United States proposed a new bill that would increase fines for watching animal fights from $50 to $2,500, with an additional fine for bringing a child to an animal fight. This would discourage people from participating in these blood sports and sharing the hobby with impressionable children.
Dog fighting is a serious problem in society that affects more than the animals involved. It encourages irresponsible breeders and dog owners to develop vicious dogs, and innocent dogs are stolen from loving homes or obtained cheaply online or from shelters to use in fights.
Tennessee must act to prevent violent animal fights. We respectfully urge you to pass the bill to raise penalties for animal fighting. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.