A regal senior German shepherd has been sitting in a lonely kennel run at the Carson Animal Services facility in Gardena, California. since July 2, The 10-year-old dog appears to be sad, and confused, about his current situation.
On July 3, the volunteer-run Facebook page, Saving Carson Shelter Dogs, wrote the following information about the homeless shepherd, "This beautiful soul is 10 and he may have a cut on his back leg. He is very sad and confused and he needs help. He barely wants to lift his head."
On closer examination the back of his leg and tail are covered with fleas and the skin is excoriated. The hair on the backside is all but eroded and when Finn initially presented he seemed lethargic and tired. Workers felt he was anemic from his overall medical condition and fleas. He had obviously not been taken care of for a while.
Days passed by no calls from his owners. His owners didn't turn up looking for him. 1 week later a chip was found and was traced to owners who weren't aware their dog was in a high kill shelter and had stated to the shelter they were on vacation. They now intend to come back for their dog, the question is even if you were on vacation why would your dog be in a kill shelter?
German shepherds are intelligent, loyal dogs by nature - they are sweet and all they want is love and they in return give it back in abundance. Please take a moment to sign this petition on this senior's behalf - he should be resting on a comfortable bed, in a safe and loving home. In his golden years he should be enjoying the fresh air of mountains, lying down in front of a fireplace cuddled up with his favorite toy. Enjoying delicious meals and yummy treats and most of all endless cuddles and belly rubs. He shouldn't have sores and definitely should not be dealing with an infestation of fleas.
He currently has a fabulous rescue willing to take him and a large group of kind people supporting him to get him there but we need you all to sign this petition to make sure he gets that life he truly deserves in his golden years.
Thank you!
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