To the officials of Seneca County and the Town of Fayette
Public records show the following facts!!
Property rented by Little Farm Rescue, 4301 Ridge Rd. Seneca Falls, NY, has never been owned by Little Farm Rescue. On 5/27/2010, Mary E. Boye sold the property to The McDonald Second Family, PO Box 373, Ovid NY 14521. Patricia McDonald, general partner of The McDonald Second Family, responded to summons for code violations incurred by the tenants, Little Farm Rescue.
The last building permit granted to the above address was in 1985, for a small 10x21 structure. In court, on 8/16/2014, Mrs. McDonald appeared to answer to 5 allegations.
• Allegation one, dimensional requirement tables of the town violation.
• Allegation two, Section 301, land use regulations, building that have been erected without the proper permits.
• Allegations three, Section 500, land is being used in violation of the zoning district, as it is zoned.
• Allegation four, Section 810 fence erected in violation of a minimum set back in regards to the property lines, possibly built out of palettes.
• Allegation five, Section 820 harboring farm animals in violation of section 820.
Mrs. McDonald stated that her intentions were to sell the above property to Little Farm, and it was a cash deal. The tenants, Little Farm Rescue, showed blatant disregard for building permits and following zoning rules and regulations. They have received eviction notices due to their arrogance and lack of complying with county rules and regulations.
The McDonald Second Family should not be forced to pay these violations, and have the right to evict tenants that are in non-compliance. The news article on Time Warner Cable is compelling, but lacks any factual information. No tenant has the right to disobey county and town code and leave the burden on the landlord to clean up their violations or pay the fines. Little Farm Rescue has created this situation for themselves, and any way that you spin this story, the bottom line is, the town code has not changed, and they are guilty of non-compliance. All landowners and landlords of the Town of Fayette need to follow the rules, why would you allow anyone to be in violation of 5 codes and walk away? A message to all landlords, make your tenants accountable, and if it means eviction, they have nobody to blame but themselves.