Only today and/or tomorrow there are 24 beautiful cats in danger to be "euthanized" (rather killed) on the death row in NY/USA, and probably tomorrow there´ll be at least 15-20 posts on the Facebook page with the headline "Gone but not forgotten", like almost every day, that´s cruel and inhumane because not every cat can be adopted within 2 or 3 days, yes, these pets often don´t get more time!!! Some cats are shy and traumatized and need weeks to learn to trust in humans again, but whoever would adopt them would be blessed with very thankful and lovely cats, I´ve adopted one of my 3 cats, Gizzy, from private, but he was such a traumatized tomcat who soon trusted in me 100 %, even if he only trusts in me, or in his room mates Thori and Sisi... Here in Germany we don´t have any kill shelters, thank God, so why can´t the USA take us here as idols only ONCE, when it´s about animal care laws? And many other European countries don´t have any kill shelters either, like Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands... Please, Mr. Obama, pass a law to protect the pets in the USA and for TNR programs to be started and subventioned instead of accepting that 3-4 millions of cats are killed in US shelters every year, not even to mention all the dogs who´re also killed!!!
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Oh, I quit visiting the mentioned Facebook page because it only made me sad, depressive, angry and helpless, by the way, but sometimes I see the links on Twitter...