Please sign and share this petition on all media sites as we encourage authorities in Brevard County in the state of Florida to close down a farm and slaughterhouse in Orlando that had reports of possible animal abuse and cruelty. According to, 9,000 farm animals were rescued due to intervention of a concerned resident.
After tips and allegations, a central Florida woman made it her mission to rescue animals at what was described by authorities and animal rescue groups as one of the largest illegal slaughterhouses in the country. The woman, Ms. Jennifer Schile was working with the animal recovery mission group in an attempt to get the animals out of the Coco Farms slaughterhouse in Brevard County. She never dreamed how horrific the conditions were inside the facility.
Ms. Schile stated that “Literally there was a bathtub with blood in it, and it just looked like they had been slaughtered on a dirty table over and over again. There were no cleaning supplies nearby." A goat named Precious was living in with the chickens and literally eating chicken feed because she thought she was one of them. Many of the animals were starved with no access to water.
Allegations continue to state that some of the animals seemed to be fed intestines of newly slaughtered animals and polluted water. The stench from the facility was labeled as being so strong that rescuers were gagging. Amid the live animals, they were not prepared to for all the animal carcasses and literal blood baths.
Should these men responsible be found quilty of animal abuse and cruelty, please help us in our efforts to shut down this disgusting slaughterhouse and secure extreme charges allowed under the law to put them away for a very long time. We are also asking that these guys be banned from ever again working with, owning or caring for animals ever. You can help by signing and sharing this petition everhywhere possible.
Orlando, Florida Judicial System - Brevard County Prosecutor - If these people responsible for the Coco Farm Slaughterhouse are found quilty of all charges, ensure you secure the harshest punishment allowed by law for all the animals that suffered at their hands. They need to be put away for an extreme amount of time, that the slaughterhouse is completely shut down and place a life-long ban on these people from ever again working with, owning or caring for animals, ever!