David Cameron wants to bring back fox hunting... what?!

The Conservatives want to bring back the horrible cruel act of fox hunting. This bloodsport is currently banned under the Hunting Act. MPs are going to have a 'free' vote on whether to repeal it. Sign now to email your MP to ask them to vote to keep the Hunting Act, which bans hunting of animals with dogs.

Why is this at the forefront of Cameron's mind? The problems in this world - second fiddle are they? Does watching innocent animals getting mutilated by hounds give him an adrenalin rush before being driven off to parliament? 

The Chase - Hunters find a fox and pursue the utterly terrified animal for an average of 20 minutes. If the fox reaches its Den, the BLOOD sport is supposed to stop. Digging a fox out of its hole, they tell you, is 'bad sport' - LIE - they do this. After reaching inside Den, Master of hunt grabs it by scruff of neck and throws into the snarling pack of hounds.

The Kill - The hounds rip the fox apart and this isn't an instant death. The hounds have to tear enough of its body flesh and muscle away before they reach vital organs.

Look at these gutsy people rescuing these lucky foxes and notice how the whole pack of hounds doesn't descend on the fox all at once, so each one takes chunks out of it over a period of time (video)

One story tells of how a fox was rescued by supporters and taken straight to the vets as it was in such a state of terror. The vet discovered its kidneys had such damage, which was brought on by the hell it had gone through. They named the fox Copper. A happy ending to this story after recovering from its ordeal.

The fox in the photograph in this other petition is being de-socked. This hideous terrier-man is encouraging his dog to skin the agonised fox alive. In other words ripping the flesh from the leg bone.

Please sign this petition against fox hunting now.

Why is this at the forefront of Cameron's mind? Does watching innocent animals getting mutilated slowly by hounds give him an adrenalin rush before debating whether Social Workers should get five years imprisonment if their senior management fail to intercept? What next?

I have seen this on video and I am trying to find it. Never forgotten fox's screams as huntsman held it up a good while - seeming to prolong its suffering before being thrown. I can't find the video as it seems to have vanished all of a sudden (wonder why?). Just research. I uploaded another video about supporters being abused - not working. Google - youtube, 'Marles attacks monitor'.

Why not shoot (if you must) - a quick kill? 100K signatures for parliament. Please help. Ghandi - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated".

Fox hunters are portrayed as wealthy - upper class. Fox supporters are depicted as lower class townies. But these are stereotypes and the opinions of most people fall somewhere in between.

Before this gets taken off, Cameron says in "theguardian.com".

Cameron, who was once a member of Heythrop Hunt in Oxfordshire, argued hunting is no less humane than other methods of controlling foxes.

“There is definitely a rural way of life which a born and bred Londoner might struggle to understand,” he wrote. “I have always been a strong supporter of country sports. It is my firm belief that people should have the freedom to hunt, so I share the frustration that many people feel about the hunting Act and the way it was brought in by the last government.” Source: "theguardian.com".

An update, I only found out this went off today. This text is from another petition and i'll put a link to it below: Also note that .. Please encourage as many people as possible to sign our petition.Thanks Judi (Hewitt)

Please also sign Judi's petition. Thank you all XX

Update #59 years ago
Hello everyone. Thank you so much for your support on this. I've extended the petition end date to the 20th of this month. At the rate it is going lately, we should reach 100K and maybe even more.

Kindest regards

Update #410 years ago
Thank you for all your signatures, but we still need to get this more coverage. Please re-share on facebook, twitter and other networks.
Update #310 years ago
Hello everyone and thank you for signing this petition to send this blood sport back into the dark ages. It really took off at first and now it's slowed down to such an extent, it would take years to get it into the 100K so it has to be read out in parliament. Can you help me make this go viral please. We need to keep sharing on facebook, etc. I can't do this without the help of others. If you have a blog or website, can you embed the widget.

Love to you all!
Update #210 years ago
Thank you for signing. Will you please share on twitter, facebook and email your friends.
Update #110 years ago
Sorted, and thanks everyone!
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