Many uncared for animals are abandoned, neglected, abused, starved, shot or poisoned or in some cases burned alive. We must put a stop to these atrocities. Put regulations in place with local or surrounding area veterinarians to come in and vet, spay and neuter and make sure these animals are properly cared for. Proper care means the animal is vetted,spayed or neutered,has food daily, water, shelter from all elements, protection from wildlife such as wolves and bears. If a remote, Northern community DOES NOT have the means or money to properly provide an animal with the required standard of care as the Animal Welfare Act states, then all animals should be BANNED from entering these communities. Any animal found that is not properly cared for, will immediately be removed to a rescue for proper care and adoption. Fines or jail time should be brought forth to ANYONE bringing an animal into a remote Northern community that DOES NOT have this plan in place. We MUST put a stop to these atrocities;the dog shoots, poisionings, abuse and neglect that is continually taking place in these remote Northern communities. It's a selfish act to bring any animal into a situation that causes the animal suffering and it also against the law under the Criminal Code Act. It's very simple to stop this from happening, if YOU cannot AFFORD to feed, water, provide shelter, vet care and love, THEN DON'T GET A PET.
From the Provincial Animal Welfare Act:
The people of Ontario(and all of Canada) and their government: Believe that how we treat animals in Ontario(and all of Canada) helps define our humanity, morality and compassion as a society;Recognize our responsibility to protect animals in Ontario(and all of Canada).
ALL animals should be banned from going into remote Northern communities that DO NOT have an animal care plan in place or provide proper care to animals according to the Animal Welfare Act of Ontario(all of Canada). Many uncared for animals are abandoned, neglected, abused, starved, shot or poisoned or in some cases burned alive. We must put a stop to these atrocities. Regulations need to be put into place with local or surrounding area veterinarians to come in and vet, spay and neuter and make sure these animals are properly cared for. Proper care means the animal is vetted,spayed or neutered,has food daily, water, shelter from all elements, protection from wildlife such as wolves and bears. If a remote Northern community DOES NOT have the means or money to properly provide an animal with the required standard of care as the Animal Welfare Act states, then all animals should be BANNED from entering those communities. Any animal found that is not properly cared for, will immediately be removed to a rescue for proper care and adoption. Fines and jail time should be brought forth to ANYONE bringing an animal into a remot Northern community that does not have this plan in place. We MUST put a stop to these atrocities;the dog shoots, poisionings, abuse and neglect that is continually taking place in these remote Northern communites. It's a selfish act to bring any animal into a situation that causes the animal suffering and it also against the law under the Criminal Code Act. It's very simple to stop this from happening, if YOU cannot AFFORD to feed, water, provide shelter, vet care and love, THEN DON'T GET A PET.
From the Provincial Animal Welfare Act:
The people of Ontario(and all of Canada) and their government: Believe that how we treat animals in Ontario(and all of Canada) helps define our humanity, morality and compassion as a society;Recognize our responsibility to protect animals in Ontario(and all of Canada).
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