Brothers and sisters around the world: let us unite together in our sadness and anger over the senseless and savage killing of Cecil the lion and translate that energy into positive ACTION to put an end to trophy hunting, worldwide. Let us begin by sending a strong message to the industry that supports this barbaric hobby AND the businesses who support them. Please join Nevada Voters For Animals in opposing Safari Club International's (SCI) upcoming convention at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV.
Cecil's death will be in vain if we, as a global community, do not go after, expose and hold accountable the powerful industry that protects, supports and lobbies for the Trophy Hunting of endangered, threatened and vulnerable species all over the world - and especially in Africa. Please sign our petition and SHARE far and wide. This SCI convention that's supposed to "Happen in Vegas" needs to denounced Worldwide.
We'd like to note, out of courtesy and respect, we reached out to MGM Resorts Int'l before composing this petition to request that, in light of recent events and the global outrage, they NOT host the SCI convention. Sadly, they declined our request, citing that it was "an internal business decision." Ironically, you may recall, MGM's iconic trademark is a lion.
BACKGROUND: Here are some examples of what SCI and their political action committee stands for:
"SCI-PAC is the largest Sportsmen-led Political Action Committee in America. This is larger than the PACs of numerous corporate giants such as American Express, General Motors and Delta Airlines. This accomplishment and strength is due to the SCI members who have made a commitment to being first for hunters."
Here is a sampling of their priorities:
~ "Reducing the regulatory burdens to importing hunting trophies into the United States is one of SCIˊs top priorities."
~"SCI filed a lawsuit to challenge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serviceˊs April 4, 2014 ban of the importation of sport-hunted elephants from Zimbabwe and Tanzania."
We support Captain Paul Watson's commentary titled "Exposing the Safari Club International: Finally the time has come to drop kick the Big White Hunters out of Africa."
Tragically, as this is being written, we are learning another lion has been illegally killed by another doctor from the US. We must Stop Trophy Killing. Sign Now!