In the city of Mszczonów, a new investment plan was underway to open a Dolphinarium. This undertaking is a major controversy because of the global movement to stop dolphin exploitation in theme parks and other Dolphinariums. Activists, experts and animal advocates were angered at the possible opening of this facility.
The Dolphinarium was to cover 3,814 square meters, with 17 meters in height and consist of two pools, one indoor pool and one outdoor pool. It will house four dolphins: three females and one young male, obtained from Ukraine and supposedly born in captivity. The report is that the animals have an education value which authorities say that is too close to none. The major focus for these facilities is in the generation of money and profits.
Let’s help in supporting the activists, experts and animal advocates which is to not only to stop the Dolphinarium in Mszczonów, but also to widely educate Polish society about the dolphin captivity industry and the suffering those animals endure in facilities like the one that is planned to be opened in Poland. You can help in these efforts by signing and sharing this petition and save these dolphins from exploitation.
Ministry of Environment, Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection in Warsaw, Veterinary Inspectorate Mazowiecki and Mszczonów Commune Authorities - We strongly urge you to not open this new Dolphinarium in Mszczonów, Poland. These animals belong in their natural habitat rather than being exploited in this facility strictly for monetary gain. Animals like the dolphin get stressed out in captivity and do not live the healthy, happy lives they deserve. Do not open this Dolphinarium in Mszczonów, Poland.