Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to save the elephants in Mozambique from poaching, endangerment and extinction. It is estimated that up to 1800 elephants are slaughtered annually in order to get their ivory! This is such a horrific occurrence that continues to put this massive, majestic and beautiful animal in jeopardy.
It has been reported by environmentalists that more than 1800 elephants last year were slaughtered in Mozambique in order to get their ivory for sale and profit. Just in the first couple of weeks of September, 22 of the animals lost their lives because of the greed of those looking to sell their ivory in this southern African country. If these behaviors continue to occur, this animal will clearly be extinct within a decade.
The environmentalists known as the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) claims that this is indeed a "national disaster" throughout the country. Niassa is the biggest game reserve with outrageous numbers of elephant slaughters each year. This area is double in size of South Africa’s popular Kruger national park. A spokesman from the area stated that “The killing of elephants in the north of Mozambique … is reaching proportions never seen before. The killing of elephants is being industrialized."
It has been discovered that high-caliber hunting rifles and automatic weapons, along with poisoned drinking water are used to kill off the animals, while spikes concealed in the bush have also been used to wound animals in the coastal Querimbas reserve, causing them slow and agonizing deaths from gangrene. The main reasoning for this horrific death is due to the need for the elephant's ivory. Ivory from Mozambique has been traced to markets in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but trinkets and carvings are also sold at craft markets in Maputo, Mozambique and other countries.
Mozambique has previously been criticized as one of the world’s worst failures in combating poaching and threatened with sanctions. Poaching was never considered a crime and anyone caught got off with a slap on the wrist and small fine! We are trying to support and encourage strict enforcement of new laws aimed at punishing abusers and the killing of elephants through poaching.
Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to save the elephants in Mozambique from poaching, endangerment and extinction. It is estimated that up to 1800 elephants are slaughtered annually in order to get their ivory! This is such a horrific occurrence that continues to put this massive, majestic and beautiful animal in jeopardy.
Douglas Griffiths & Mozambican Officials, Law Enforcement and Maputo Diplomats - Do everything you can to stop elephant poaching throughout your country! With your new laws, you need to ensure strict regulations, enforcement and extreme punishment. Until you can implement strict laws and enforce them with severe repercussions, these horrific behaviors will never stop! Ensure further actions that will protect and save the elephants in the African Countries or they will become a sad extinct being in no time!
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