Veto NJ's "week of respect"

Governor Christie should veto the activist Gay and Lesbian "week of respect" contained in the NJ Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights (A3466).

We the undersigned respectfully request that you veto the educational programming sections of the pending Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights.

Gay and Lesbian groups that spent over a year writing the language of the tough new law targeting gay-bullying in our schools that is now sitting on your desk are publicly describing it as the "most sweeping anti-bullying legislation in America".

This law requires mandatory teaching of a "week of respect" and mandatory year-round classroom teaching, and stands, per the New York Times, to be used by Gay and Lesbian groups to indoctrinate school children of the "need" for gay marriage*. 

Gay and Lesbian groups have publicly admitted that one reason the law is the most sweeping of its kind in America is because it "applies to schools from kindergarten" and up. If Gay and Lesbian groups get their way, outrageously, gay marriage will be taught to New Jersey's pre-schoolers.

Additionally if you sign this law, our schools could be teaching pre-school children to direspect adults who are opposed to gay marriage**.

Do our kindergarten kids really need gay marriage forced down their throats during a required annual "week of respect"?

Do our pre-school kids need a "week of respect" that would teach them to disrespect their own parents?

Does teaching gay marriage in kindergarten have any place in the new education reform that you have outlined for New Jersey?

The clock is now ticking and the deadline for action on this bill is drawing near.

Governor Christie, we care about the pre-school kids of New Jersey.

Governor Christie, we respectfully urge you to stop activist Gay and Lesbian groups taking over the education of our pre-school children.

Governor Christie, we respectfully urge you to veto the activist Gay and Lesbian "week of respect" and all other such year-round programming.

* "liberals and gay rights groups are using the antibullying banner to pursue a hidden homosexual agenda, implicitly endorsing, for example, same-sex marriage", "In Efforts to End Bullying, Some See Agenda", New York Times, November 7, 2010, page A16, quoting parents and activists. This is no idle claim. On its website, the leading national Gay and Lesbian organization involved in anti-bullying legislation, GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network,  recommends Uncle Bobby's Wedding , a text promoting gay marriage for all Elementary school grades.

** Publisher's Weekly describes GLSEN's all Elementary school grades recommended Two Moms, The Zark, And Me as a "mean-spirited, sniping" attack on adults with traditional values. See the complete review posted on

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