U.S.Federal Law AGAINEST DeClawing Pets Pets Pets
It shall be a U.S, Federal FELONY for anyone to to attempt to procure,enable,help,give affrimitive information on,conceal persons,property,locations where this has or is being done and make a U.S. Federal FELONY, in any place,any type of money making venture for the purpose of doing or conceling the doing of,or having done the above.
To: U.S.Congress & S.P.C.A.-We pettion you for Redress Of Grievence,concering treatment of domestic pets in general and domestic cats in particular & want a U. S. Federal law outlawing as a Federal FELONY,the DeClawing of Domestic pets in general,& domestic cats in particular.
It shall be a U.S. Federal FELONY to rase money to,give positive info on or about,procure,treat,concel those who do DeClawing of domistic pets in general and domestic cats in particular.
As part of this law,there shall be a data base created of those doing this,& the summary outcome of all court cases,& a listing of what moenies were collected & when & what happened to all that money.
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