The Carson & Barnes Circus is returning to Mckinleyville in September. This is one of the most abusive circuses in the country. They are continually cited by the USDA for not caring for their animals. Here is a link that lists years of citations that they have received: In 2002, PETA released undercover footage of elephant training at Carson & Barnes Circus. Tim Frisco, the circus's animal care director, was caught on tape viciously attacking elephants with a bullhook

and an electric prod. In the video you can hear the elephants scream as he jabs them. On tape he says: "Hurt 'em...Make 'em scream... Sink that hook into them...When you hear that screaming, then you know you got their attention." This is what he was saying to his trainees. This DVD of abuse can be viewed online at:: 

Circus animals spend their entire lives in hot trucks being carted around the country. When they aren't in the trucks, they are in the ring performing for humans. This is not a life. This is an existence. This is slavery.

Many circus elephants carry the human strain of tuberculosis called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This is a fatal disease. The feces of elephants from the Carson & Barnes Circus has tested positive for this highly contagious disease. They have been cited over and over by the USDA for not regularly testing their elephants for TB and have kept unhealthy elephants performing and endangering lives. I really don't think the Arcata Kiwanis members have any idea what the Carson & Barnes animals go through. I don't think anyone in their right mind would hire this circus in good conscience knowing their barbaric mistreatment and neglect of their animals.

Please Sign This Petition Asking
The Arcata Kiwanis Club in Arcata, California To Cancel Their Contract With The Carson & Barnes Circus.
(Note: The Carson & Barnes Elephant Pictured Here Is Positive For TB When This Picture Was Taken. Notice The Small Boy Feeding Her? I Hope He's TB Free.)