Dear Humans... Are not you sad for the killings of the woman & the children in the Israeli attack against Gaza...Don not you see that this a dirty war supported by the American & the European silence against all international laws & beliefs... Since the the British gave Palestine to the Zionists on 1948 & the killings did not stop ,It is just going worst & worst ...And it will never stops as long as the Humans all over the world will not step up against the evil of Zionism. Since the Americans starting accusing many cultures all over the world of being terrorists ,the International community is confused of the definition of terror .If killing unarmed children & woman is terror ,So what the hill it refers to then ,just to attacking Muslims all over the world or what? Please Humans all over the world,ACT..... Just stopping this massacre is not enough,Why the world can not dare to judge those Israeli Leader in any court as well as Sadam Hussien & the Serbian Killers of Bosnia. As long as I believe that this cancer country of the middle east will never stop terrorizing the Muslim ,Arabs & the Christians of the middle east...I just hope that people will step up for Peace & stand against the Israeli Zionist Evil.
By the way in Israel ,they made a search among the Israeli citizens & over 75% are with the strike against Gaza !!!! Over 40% from the killed & injured Palestinians are children & woman.