say no to bullfighting
Bullfighting is in essence, the disabling of an animal by ritual piercing and stabbing, ending in a "triumphant" intentional kill.The pain inflicted on the animal for the entire duration of the "show" is met with enthusiastic approval and applause. Civilized societies now recognize that animal abuse, in all its forms, including art, culture and tradition, has no place in todays world.Please, join us and help put a stop to the cruel, senseless killings of these magnificent animals, by signing this petition.
To the Chief Administrator Luis E. Velez Madrid We are writing this letter because we are very concerned with your decision to continue the bullfighting in your city.Your administration speaks proudly of embracing progress; please tell us why you continue then, to send out invitations to hundreds of people asking them to participate in a "feast" of bullfighting, where the torture and death of a living being is celebrated. This is not progress.Actions such as these are no longer accepted in civilized societies. And so I beseech you, if you really want your people to embrace progress, teach them to care for and respect all living beings- without exception-.This is the greatest inheritance that you can leave your people.We are many voices from countries around the world today, whose eyes remain focused in your direction, in the hope that your decision to stop these killings in the name of tradition, be urgently forthcoming.Thereby sending a clear message that killing animals for entertainment purposes is inherently wrong.
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