Save the habitat for the Black-faced spoonbills and other migratory waterbirds!

  • by: Wetland Forum
  • recipient: Mayor and City Council of Fukuoka, Japan
Wetland Forum is a conservation NGO dedicated to the protection of wildlife habitats in Hakata Bay, Fukuoka, Japan through public awareness and on-site conservation activities.

We need your help in convincing the mayor and city council members of Fukuoka of the need to reconsider the wild bird park plan to protect the habitat for migratory water birds including the endangered Black-faced spoonbills, which are only observed in brackish waters in East Asia.

Fukuoka city commenced the Island City Project, a project to construct a 401 ha. man-made island in the frontal waters of Wajiro tidal flat to develop port and harbor facilities and a new urban area despite citizens' protest in 1994.  The project has had a significan environmental impact on Wajiro tidal flat, which used to support a large number of migratory water birds.  Ironically, larger populations of water birds are now observed in the temporary wetlands on the man-made island which appeared in the process of reclamation.  The temporary wetlands have now become established wintering grounds for ducks, shorebirds and the endangered Black-faced spoonbills, whose largest population in Japan is observed here.  However, these wetlands will be filled in a few years with no effective protection measures for the migratory water birds. 

Although the city has drawn up a wild bird park plan as part of mitigation measures, the proposed 8.3 ha. site is too small to support the current water bird populations, and this would accelerate the rate of extinction of some endangered and vulnerable species.  As no timeline has been indicated about the plan, many of us are left worried whether any protection measures will be taken at all.

We appreciate your help in urging the mayor and the city council of Fukuoka to reconsider the wild bird park plan so that it can more effectively protect the migratory water birds.  For details, please visit our website.
We the undersigned are deeply concerned about the habitat loss for the endangered Black-faced spoonbills and other migratory water birds due to the Island City Project.  The temporary wetlands on the Island City have already become established wintering grounds for many migratory water birds and therefore deserve protection.  The proposed 8.3 ha. wild bird park is too small to support the current migratory water bird populations, and filling the rest of the temporary wetlands would lead to extinction of some endangered and vulnerable species.

We strongly urge you to reconsider the wild bird park plan by:

-allocating much larger space for the wild bird park
-clarifying the timeline of the wild bird park plan to expedite the protection measures
-leaving one of the temporary wetlands unfilled during the construction of the wild bird park

Thank you for considering our comments.  We look forward to your swift action to ensure the protection of the Black-faced spoonbills and other migratory water birds and to raise Fukuoka's profile as a more sustainable city.
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