Romney: Don't Blame Secularism

During his campaign, Mitt Romney has managed to stay away from discussing his faith to avoid turning off potential voters who don't understand his religion. That's no secret.

So expectations were high when his campaign staff announced he would deliver a speech on religion and politics--Romney's version of Kennedy's speech in 1960?. But after delivering his "faith speech," Mr. Romney only managed to play the blame game by attacking secularism, and using it as a cover up to hide the elephant in the room--his religion.
In his speech, Romney said: "In recent years, the notion of the separation of church and state has been taken by some well beyond its original meaning. [...] It is as if they are intent on establishing a new religion in America--the religion of secularism. They are wrong."
Sign this petition and tell Mitt Romney to stop playing the blame game on secularism and start addressing the real issues people want to hear about.
Dear Mr. Romney:
In your recent speech you failed once again to address the public's concerns regarding the role that your religion would play if elected president. Instead, you decided to play the blame game on secularism by saying people who believe in the separation of church and state are trying to establish a new religion in America. You also said seculars are wrong and managed to mention the word "Mormon" only once.
First, we find it hard to believe that seculars are trying to establish a new religion, but most importantly, we would like to remind you that in the religious controversy surrounding your candidacy, seculars are not the problem. For the sake of those who believe in the separation of church and state, please stop using secularism as a smoke screen to hide the elephant in the room--your religion--and start addressing the real issues people want to hear about.
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