- Today as I write this petition, I write it in voice of all the countless conversations ,I have had with people in my daily life, that have told me that the state of the music and radio industry is in the pits. As the years go by so does the style of music. During the 60's, 70's 80's and 90's the music was an array of splendor that defined the times, that we were living in. Back in the day the music had a deep connection with the soul, it gave life to emotions that were scared to be conceived my the human mind, and heart. The music from back then had a quality that only could be created once. During the phases of music that came along brought about such extraordinary performers as, Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, The Beatles, Prince, Madonna, Mariah Carey,Whitney Houston, and many other artist that really have had a place in our lives, and gave us music that we as people will remember to our last dying breath.
Now it seems that in the last ten years, the music ,the industry has totally lost it's passion, it's eye for real talent ,real musicians, just the overall importance of producing an delivering a product that was acceptable and worthy of being purchased, and listened to. When most people listen to the radio now, there is no verity, no singing about anything of substance, or anyone that is remotely talented enough to keep the attention of the listener for more than 5 minutes! The state of the radio has become a wasteland for the robotics that consume the market as we know it! I understand that we all as people have our different preferences in what we consider music, what we see as talented, but as a person that loves quality, that is truly in love with a harmony, real melodies, actual instrumentation, lyric content that surpasses ordinary vocabulary formation of real, and meaningful words.
This is petition is a stance against the horrible music that has been played, time, and time again, and today this is where the line is being drawn in the sand! We the people have had enough, of the boring redundant auto tune sound that has dominated the radio stations for over an decade. Day in and day out the inconsistency of talentless voices have rang in the eras of millions or people, world wide, the lack of honing your craft has been replaced with ,boring materialism, non existent musicianship , the inability to touch and connect with people on a metaphysical level.
If you are tired of the bullshit you here on your radio, if you yearn for a change of direction, then what is being played, then please join me, with endless others to stop, and end this robotic state that has taken over the radio. If you want to turn on your stereo an hear a good song again, sign this petition. Realize that until we take a stand , say no the the garbage hitting our airwaves on a daily basis, we will forever be enslaved to this machine called the radio!
I started a page of Facebook called: Radio Music Protest. Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Radio-Music-Protest/244380302305432?bookmark_t=page. Please if there is anyone out there as tired of the emotionless music as I am, please stand with me an fight to get our radio stations to once again play music , that will inspire, encourage, and uplift a people.
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