Sign the petition if you want to see the book, Old Man's Tale: Sacred Heart, in stores. By doing so, agents/publishers may notice the potential of the book and thus, may also become interested in it.
I understand that the publishing business is very very hectic. They have to find the best from the endless piles of query letters, etc. However, this task can sometimes become hard because of the sheer amount of mail they receive. So through this petition, we want to bring Old Man's Tale:Sacred Heart to their attention.
Should you decide not to sign the petition, please check the book's
official site before making your final decision.
Your help is most appreciated and most needed. Thank you for your support.
Shahan Kazi
We The Undersigned, would all very much like to see Old Man's Tale:Sacred Heart in bookstores around us.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this letter. We appreciate it.
More information regarding the book can be found
here. If you would like to reach the author, please click