Ask G8 & G20 to support The Huntsville Project, More info at Huffington Post:
Make Huntsville a Showcase for the NewCarbon Economy
The G8 & G20 in Canada:
June 25 -- 27, 2010
Tell global leaders at the G8 & G20 summit to support biochar WORLDWIDE!
I, the signatory
ask the delegates to offset the emissions produced as a result of attending the G8 and/or G20 Summit(s) in Ontario, Canada using biochar. The above mentioned Huntsville Project will return an equivalent quantity of these carbon emissions to the soil and address the most urgent environmental problems of our time, including:
* soil degradation *food insecurity *climate change *public debt
*deforestation *water pollution *unemployment
Biochar is the by-product of a bioenergy process called pyrolysis, which results in liberated energy and residual biological charcoal - biochar. Residual biomass is the starting product (feedstock) for this chemical process, which is a form of fuel production in the form of heat and other useful energy and chemical products. The process can be done at both a large scale and at a small scale, and can be either low tech (e.g. cooking stoves) or high tech (e.g. hydrothermal carbonisation) application.
Some call it the multi platform technology the New Carbon Age of the 21 century: Biochar Carbon will facilitate a broad range of application-based activities in the New Carbon Economy including:
Restoration of degraded lands, Water retention (in drylands), Small scale farmin, Soil amendment for higher crop yields, Water purification and Urban farming, Fertlizer enhancement, Water sanitation, Large scale farming
Today existing fossil carbon economy is linear, which causes exponential problems. We transport carbon from the depths of the earth and it ultimately ends up in the atmosphere, rivers and oceans, causing enormous environmental problems, including a change in the composition of the atmosphere, leading to climactic changes.
Shifting from this old, linear carbon economy toward the renewable and sustainable New Carbon Economy means we can start to close the carbon cycle. The New Carbon Economy is based on closed carbon cycles that use residual biomass waste in order to produce fuels, bio-oils, syngas, fertilizers, and other carbon-based value-added products.
Carbon from Biochar is the agent that makes this economy work.
Not only does a valuable soil amendment result from these processes, but Biochar is also the remedy that recovers value from effluents, turning them into a valuable source of products while also saving important limited resources (e.g nitrogen and phosphorus).
Because its a closed loop cycle, carbon is recaptured. There is no more leakage of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from the lithosphere into the biosphere.
The other CCS tool Bio CCS
The money spent for offsetting will be used to sequester 12,000 Mt of Biochar in soils worldwide. This amount would offset about 35,000 MT C02. This represents the first (biological) carbon capture and sequestration method that already works.
What is the target?
Every G8 and G20 Delegation commits to offset their summit emissions with real biological carbon sequestration from biochar.
They can choose from a global list of ongoing and planned biochar projects for their offsets.
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