Mandatory life sentence with no parole for pedophiles, child killers and rapists.

  • by: Brenda Stewart-Dennis
  • recipient: Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and our Lawmakers

This petition is  written in the form of an open letter to  the Minister of Justice, Attorney General of Canada and our lawmakers.  Please sign this petition so we can show them that we ARE NOT if favor of the way the law is and want changes made.  Click on letter to read in full.

We the undersigned want to see major changes to our laws.  Here is my OPEN LETTER TO LAWMAKERS AND GOVERNMENT....
Pedophiles and rapists should have no rights at all in our society. Murderers do 25 years to life. These people kill the soul and the spirit. sometimes that's even worse than dying. I'm so tired of our so called lawmakers thinking you need to coddle the criminal and further victimize the victims. IF THIS WERE YOUR CHILD OR WIFE/HUSBAND BEING RAPED OR FONDLED YOU'D SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY. This is one of the most horrid crimes imaginable. Time to wake up...the only reason I can think of as to why these diddlers are protected from facing what they've done is because maybe the people upholding them are diddlers themselves!!! THAT'S RIGHT MR./MS. LAWMAKER...I think you may be condoning their actions because YOU do the same things as they do but haven't been caught. WE THE PEOPLE OF CANADA do NOT side with you on these matters. WE ARE THE VOICE OF THIS COUNTRY!! We are screaming our protests at you but you are ignoring us and doing NOTHING!!!!! We want action not ignorance. STOP GIVING ALL THE RIGHTS TO THE CRIMINAL AND NONE TO THE VICTIMS. Pedophiles, rapists and murderers should all be treated as the same. Life sentences for ALL should be mandatory. When your soul and spirit is broken you are DEAD inside. You do not merely exist. When it comes to DIDDLERS and the actions of our government towards them...I'M EMBARASSED TO SAY I AM CANADIAN. This is not acceptable. QUIT IGNORING THE PEOPLE WHO'VE PUT YOU IN POWER AND DO SOMETHING NOW!! Here's a suggestion for a start...stop putting pedophiles and rapists in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. Let the general population know why these people landed in jail and let them deal with them. STOP PROTECTING THEM. AFTERALL....WHO WAS THERE TO PROTECT AN INNOCENT CHILD OR A VICTIM AGAINST THEM? NO ONE. Let them deal with the consequences of their actions. If they get killed in the process...who cares!!!! They should not exist in ANY community, city or country anyway. They shouldn't have rights....they gave those away when they did what they did. OPEN YOUR EYES....THINGS NEED TO CHANGE. NOT 20 YEARS DOWN THE ROAD EITHER....NOW. STOP PROTECTING THEM AND PROTECT THE CHILDREN AND VICTIMS INSTEAD. You have the authority to do that. Quit turning your head and deal with it head on. THAT'S WHAT THE PEOPLE OF CANADA WANT. AND THAT'S WHAT SHOULD MATTER TO YOU. As I stated earlier...the victims are not living they are only existing. MAKE PEDOPHILES AND RAPISTS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CRIMES AND TAKE THEIR RIGHTS AWAY, JUST AS THEY'VE TAKEN ANOTHER'S RIGHTS TO LIVE A NORMAL PEACEFUL LIFE AWAY. THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY RIGHTS AT ALL.  We want you to change the law to mandatory life sentences without parole for ALL pedophiles, rapists and child killers.  MALE AND FEMALE!!!
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