Make the Power Plant Park Beautiful

  • by: Pamela Flores
  • recipient: Let's make this area more family friendly!
Here is an Email I sent to the Keep Mesquite Beautiful department of the City of Mesquite. I am hoping I can get some fellow citizens to take some action  by signing this petition to let our city's leaders know that there are many citizens in Mesquite that would like to be able to have a nice clean and free lakeside park to take our families and friends to right here in Mesquite! As it stands it is not clean and is due for an overhaul. I think for anything to happen here in a positive way we will need community action, and I think it is worth it to at very least to clean the area and install trash cans. Please sign if you agree, and PRETTY please share this with everyone you know that live in Mesquite. 
There is a certain area that  could really use some "TLC". The power plant park area and beyond at Lake Ray Hubbard.  Many things should change there to accommodate the citizens of Mesquite who bring their families there for a nice picnic etc.
1. Park benches/tables2. Grills3. Huge clean up effort4. A better play area5. Instead of putting up a guard rail (which doesn't deter anyone), clean up the      area, put in places to sit, maybe a biking trail- and please- trash bins.6. Many trash bins. The one that is there is not quite doing the job.7. A water fountain- maybe dog friendly since so many people bring their dogs out there.
I have seen children playing with trash that has been left.... everywhere. There isn't much of a choice (for the trash) since there aren't any trash bins positioned around the area. I took my kids out there to hang out and grill, but it was sooooo disgusting and nasty, we just couldn't stay. It ruined our plans. I'm not sure, but the playground equipment could be the very same from when I was a kid.
Well, I am quite aware of the extensive park system in Mesquite- and love it- but we wanted to hang out at the lake, in it's current condition, we will not go back for recreational purposes. But lots of people do, and well, why not keep in line with what we claim we want, to keep Mesquite beautiful?  In this case, I would say it is make Mesquite beautiful.
With the effort towards looking good on the outside that we have seen in Mesquite, I know this can happen. I hope I have found some like-minded individuals in your organization. 

We the undersigned-

Believe there is a certain area that  could really use some "TLC". The power plant park area and beyond at Lake Ray Hubbard.  Many things should change there to accommodate the citizens of Mesquite who bring their families and friends there for a nice picnic etc.

1. Park benches/tables

2. Grills

3. Huge clean up effort4. A better play area

5. Instead of putting up a guard rail (which doesn't deter anyone), clean up the      area, put in places to sit, maybe a biking trail- and please- trash bins.

6. Many trash bins. The one that is there is not quite doing the job.

7. A water fountain- maybe dog friendly since so many people bring their dogs out there.

Children play there with trash that has been left.... everywhere. There isn't much of a choice (for the trash) since there aren't any trash bins positioned around the area.The area has become unclean and not  visitor friendly nor aesthetically pleasing, in fact, it looks like a dump area along the shore.
Mesquite has a great park system and we love it- but we would like the option to hang out in our own city at the lake, in it's current condition, we will not go back for recreational purposes. But lots of people will and do, and well, why not keep in line with what we claim we want, to keep Mesquite beautiful? Or in this case, make Mesquite beautiful.

With the effort towards looking good on the outside that we have seen in Mesquite, we know this can happen. We hope we have found an open ear in the Keep Mesquite Beautiful project.
Thank you for your time and consideration,

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