L.i Man beaten 7 month old puppy 2 Death !!!!

A Long Island man was arrested and charged with aggravated animal cruelty by the Suffolk County SPCA today, after he allegedly beat his seven-month-old pup to death.

Investigators at the Suffolk County SPCA received a call on Friday from the Suffolk County Police Department about an alleged case of animal cruelty at the Centereach home of Edward Semke.

Jack died a short time after the brutal beating, SPCA officials said.

Semke also admitted to digging a hole and burying the bloodhound in the backyard. But Semke gave the investigators permission exhume the puppy and the body was taken to a local veterinarian to have the necropsy performed.

The necropsy revealed that Jack had suffered a broken neck -- causing him to slowly suffocate.

"This was a horrible way for the bloodhound puppy to die," said Roy Gross, Chief of the Suffolk County SPCA. "I've been doing this 26 years and I still lose sleep over it. You never get used to it."

Investigators took Semke to Suffolk County Police Department%u2019s 6th Precinct. He was held over night and arraigned early this morning.

Semke is being held on $10,000 cash bail or  $20,000 bond.

Chief Gross urged any person who suspects or has witnessed animal cruelty to call the Suffolk County SPCA at 631-382-7722, all calls are confidential.

First Sharon Mcdonough, now Edward Semke,? This man has serious mental issues that need to be addressed .We need to get the point across that animal abuse needs to be taken make seriously and stronger penalties are needed to be charged for animal abusers  as its growing worse today. The laws just aren't tough enough.
Thank you for taking your time out to read my letter.
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