I am writing this petition to show the members of the Texas Department of Corrections Board of Parole members that Rudolpho Flores (Inmate # 765235) should NOT be granted parole. On June 1st, 1995 Rudolpho Flores along with two accomplices Adrian Montoya & Enrique Cruz, kidnapped my sister Robin Robbins-Owers. They kept her for hours brutally raping & beating her almost to death. In the early morning hours of the following morning they drove her out to a remote location and pushed her down into a ditch on the side of a remote road and instead of leaving her there to possibly survive, they shot her in the head with a high powered deer hunting rifle. After 10 days of seaching for my sister, she was finally found in that ditch. After all three men were charged with Capital Murder, Rudolpho Flores decided to become a State's Witness and cut a deal with the District Attorney's office. In exchange for his cooperation against his other gang members his charges (and sentence) would be reduced. Although the family was not in agreement with the arrangement, it was accepted by the district attorney's office so that they could be more assured of a conviction. The other men were found guilty and were senteced to life in prison. However, after the trials were over and it was time for Rudolpho Flores to be sentenced, we found out that he would only be sentenced for Kidnapping and would be given a 30 year sentence. Under Texas law, he is only required to serve 15 years. That 15 years is now upon us and his case is being reviewed by the Parole Board for release. I want everyone to know that this man will not even be required under state law to register as a sex offender and if he is released, no one will know that his crime involved the brutal repeated rape of my sister by him and his friends and her appaling beating and cowardly murder. Just because he was allowed to plead guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for his testimony. No one will know the brutality in this man and the truth about what he did to her that night. It has all along been suspected (and never disproved in court) that he was the actual shooter. However, because of the fact that he was the first one to "cut a deal" and because the state felt they needed an eyewitness to secure a conviction, he was allowed to plead guilty only to the charge of kidnapping and all other charges were dismissed. If you could only imagine the heartbreak my family and I felt in finding this out when his sentencing took place a few months after the other trials. This man beat, raped and murdered my sister. He and his gang member friends did this intentionally and with alot of forethought. At any point during that long night, anyone of them could have stopped, someone could have helped my sister, but instead she suffered more than my heart can allow me to imagine as they all committed these heinous acts against her. And then of couse, they threw her in a ditch on the side of the road and finished the degradation by killing her. I want you to know that my sister was also a young mother and she left behind her three children ages 3, 5 & 7. I cannot begin to tell you the effects that this had on their lives and the lives of my family. Even though I was only 23 when this happened to my sister I knew it was my duty to stand up and speak for her and her children and to see that these men were kept behind bars for what they did to her. I testified at all of the trials and gave the victim impact statement. I am only continuing that duty now by trying to get as many people as possible to try to help me keep this monster in jail. Please remember if he is released, no one will even know that he committed a Capital Murder! No one will know that he was part of a gang rape that lasted for hours. No one will even know he is a sex offender. People have a right to know these things, and if no one is going to tell them, then we have the right to keep him in jail away from anyone that he can do harm to again. Please use your conscience and do the right thing, if not for my sister then for the other unsuspecting young women out there. Remember, he will not even be required to register as a sex offender, and no one will even know when he moves into their neighborhood. It could be my neighborhood or yours. I ask that you please sign this petition to keep this monster behind bars because until the state laws that were in effect at the time, that is all we can do. Thank you and may God bless you and your family.
Rikki Robbins
Please follow the links below to read the Houston Chronicle's newspaper coverage of the murder and the trials below:
http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl?id=1995_1282264http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl?id=1995_1282671http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl?id=1996_1365992http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl?id=1996_1367385Again, thank you for anything you can do to help keep this Rapist & Murderer behind bars for as long as the law allows. Please don't let him ever get the chance to do this to another young woman again.
Dear Members of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Parole Board:
Dear Sirs,
We the undersigned citizens are writing this letter to ask that you please deny parole for Rudolpho Flores (TDCJ# 765235). In 1995 Rudolpho Flores helped to kidnap, rape and murder Robin Robbins-Owers along with other members of his gang, the JC Boys. I know that he only plead guilty to the crime of kidnapping and that is the only because the state felt that they needed his testimony to help secure convictions for the other men involved. He was initially charged with Capital Murder just as the others were. But because he "cut a deal" and testified against his fellow gang members he was allowed to plead guilty only of kidnapping and all of the other charges were dropped against him. Because of state law at the time, he was sentenced to a 30 year prison term but only required to serve 15 years before being eligible for parole. Unless you read the whole case one would never know that in actuality he committed a horrible, horrible rape and a very brutal murder. His co-conspirators in this crime are Adrian Montoya and Enrique Cruz and they were both found guilty of Capiital Murder and given a sentence of Life Imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice where they are still serving their time. However because of his state cooperation and testimony, Rudolpho Flores' criminal record will only reflect a conviction of Kidnapping. He will not be known to anyone else as the rapist and murderer that he is. This monster will not even be required to register as a Sex Offender under the plea agreement that he worked out with the prosecutors. If he is released, the comminuty, the general public & even his eventual neighbors will never know the truth about the fact that he committed this brutal rape & murder of a young mother. We ask that you please consider what he truly did and not just what he worked out in a plea agreement. We ask that you keep him behind bars in the only place that guarantees that he cannot do this to someone else's sister, or mother. We plead for you to do this not only on behalf of Robin Robbins-Owers (who was only 25 at the time) but for all of the other unsuspecting young women out there who would never even know that a monster had been released to live among them because he is not required to register as a Sex Offender. I ask that you excersise the great latitude and trust that you have been given by the people of the State of Texas to keep us safe. Please don't let this man out to do again what he did to Robin Robbins-Owers. Her life is worth more than 15 years and the lives of other young women out there are worth everything. I pray that you will vote your conscience and keep this man behind bars.
Thank you for your time in reading this petition and we pray for you as you make your decision.