Support the Dallas Zoo in sending Jenny to Africam Safari
The Dallas Zoo knows best when it comes to Jenny the elephant's welfare. They have decided to send her to Africam Safari Park in Mexico, an AZA (American Zoological Association) accredited facility and one of the best parks of its kind in the world, where she will enjoy the company of other elephants and behavior enrichment programs.
Detractors want the Zoo to send Jenny to an elephant facility in Tenesee, which does not have AZA accreditation and does not have 24 hour veterinary care. Please let the animal experts do their job and support their decision.
We, the undersigned, support the Dallas City Zoo decision to send Jenny the elephant to Africam Safari Park, an AZA accredited facility and one of the best parks of its kind, where she will enjoy the company of other elephants and will be cared for by expert staff around the clock.
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