Infertility Coverage Legislation

  • by: Leslie Baker
  • recipient: Bill Nelson, Senator (D-Florida), US Senate
Take Action- Make Your Voice Heard!

Federal Legislation

In the 109th Congress (2005-2006), legislation has been introduced concerning adoption and requiring insurance coverage of infertility services. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the legislation and learn how you can help educate lawmakers about the need to support these measures. 

Contact your representatives and senators and urge them to support coverage of infertility treatment.

Support Coverage of Infertility Treatment

Dear [Decision Maker],

I am writing to request that you sponsor legislation that would require insurance companies to provide coverage for infertility treatment, similar to H.R. 735, The Family Building Act, introduced by Representative Anthony Weiner.

Infertility is a medically recognized disease that affects men and women equally. Still, many insurance companies do not provide coverage for treatment to overcome this disease, but single out infertility for exclusion. I find this to be discriminatory. Well-managed insurance coverage will not place a large burden on insurance companies. Studies have shown that infertility coverage may actually reduce costs by limiting costly treatments that have low rates of success in treating the underlying problem.

In fact, a recent employer survey conducted by the consulting firm William M. Mercer found that 91 percent of respondents offering infertility treatment have not experienced an increase in their medical costs as a result of providing this coverage.

Insurers argue that bearing children is a lifestyle choice. In fact it is. But it is not a choice to have a disease that prevents a person from having the option to bear children. Insurers raise concerns about some treatments and the possibility of multiple births and the associated costs. Reproductive doctors are careful to help couples minimize the risks associated with multiple births. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (Aug 29, 2002) concludes that the incidence of multiple births is actually lower in states that have enacted an infertility insurance requirement than in states without coverage. Why? Because couples with insurance coverage are free to make purely medical decisions when pursuing some infertility treatments, as opposed to other couples who must also weigh financial considerations that often result in medical risk taking, multiple births and a high rate of complications during and post-pregnancy.

In 1998, the United States Supreme Court ruled that reproduction is a major life activity under the "Americans with Disabilities Act." This ruling demonstrates the importance of reproduction and the impact that infertility, in which the ability to reproduce is impaired, has on the lives of men and women.

Many affected by infertility do not feel comfortable speaking publicly about this very private struggle, but we represent all racial, religious, and ethnic groups, as well as both sexes. We are neighbors, co-workers, friends and relatives, and we just want to experience the joy of raising families without having to bankrupt ourselves in the process. Please support infertility coverage legislation and help fulfill the dreams of thousands of couples waiting for a family to love.




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