In Defense of Stray Cats and Dogs in Brazil
- by: Norah Andre - WEEAC
- recipient: Brazilian Congress, Presidency, Governors & Mayors, Federal Public Ministeries
Although there is an article in our Constitution (art. 225, paragrafo 1o, inciso VII ) that clearly states as a public obligation to ensure protection for animals against cruelty the State is its worst enemy. Animals are ruthlessly killed in municipal shelters and there are NO public policies to ensure them with any kind of proper treatment. We have NO public policies of spaying, we have insuffient laws to guarantee their lives and dignty. We DEMAND Brazil to start caring about its strays, by implementing public campaigns of awareness regarding responsible care, against abandonment and starting a fresh new way of treating abandoned cats & dogs in the country. We DEMAND the implementation of general spay campaigns, followed by adoption campaigns supported by each city.No more KILLING and misery in municipal shelters. While animals wait for adoption they must be offered proper conditions of living, with veterinary care, food and water, and proper accomodation (clean and sufficient space).Our governments (either state or municipal ones) have NO concern at all for their lives, even though a vast majority of the population claims for taxes to be employed in building ethical animal welfare policies.
We also DEMAND the definitive BAN of PL 4.548/98, as presented to our Congress. This ement intends to banish Article 32 from an already approved federal law 9605/98, which provides a minimum of assurance for animals in Brazil. In case this bill ever has a favourable decision from the Congress, ALL ANIMAL PROTECTION, although still very incipient, WILL BE WITHDRAWN from our legislation, and animal torture and murder will have no legal consequences..Brazilians won't be even able to ask for legal penalties for the dozens of hideous crimes of torture, killing and abuse that we are forced to see happen every single day. Animals will continue to be submitted to massive killing in the shelters of our country, and we will not have any legal basis to run on their help. Domestic abuse will happen and its perpetrators will not be punished.
PLEASE help us by adding to our local demands, the voice of internacional public opinion. Say NO to this medieval bill, proposed by ex-Deputy Thomas Nono, today considered by most brazilians as animals' number one enemy in Brazil.It must be buried for GOOD, and give way to a fair, ethical and compassionate way of handling animal welfare in this country.Brazilian politicians must understand that the country will face a considerable loss in international tourism income if this goes on.
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