Hey, Hey, Let's Reopen the OTA! (with citizen input)

  • by: The Science Cheerleader: Rooting for Teamwork in Science!
  • recipient: Citizens, citizen scientists, science organizations, Congress, National Science Foundation, American Association for the Advancement of Science, National Academies of Science, National Academy of Engineers, Discover Magazine, Scientific American, Time Mag
Once upon a time, Congress turned to the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) to provide nonpartisan, smart advice on matters of science policy. You know, like, just about everything related to your future. Newt Gingrich shut it down (what were ya thinkin', Newt?). Other countries opened their own versions of the OTA but one-upped us by including real citizen involvement in science policy discussions--at the ground level.
Let's rally the scientists, Congress and the citizens to support the call to reopen the OTA (with citizen input). Without citizen input, it'll be a bust.
Hey, Hey, What Do You Say? Let's Reopen the OTA (with citizen input)!!!
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