Please Help Rescue Our Moms Illegallly Detained in Chinese Labor Camps
We, daughters and sons of six mothers who are being illegally detained in Chinese labor camp and prison for their belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, undersigned, urgently and respectfully request your assistance in obtaining their release.
Our moms are being detained solely because they practice Falun Gong which is legal and respected everywhere in the world except China. They are forced to do hard labor and are subject to cruel brainwashing and all kinds of physical and psychological torture. They are:
- Chunyan Wang, 55, illegally sentenced to 5-year-prison in Liaoning Province, second time in prison;
- Shaojie Qiu, 46, illegally sentenced to 4-year-prison in Shangdong Province;
- Junping Cao, 52, illegally sentenced to 10-year-prison in Shangdong Province;
- Zhongxia Tian, 53, illegally sentenced to one-and-a-half-year labor camp in Anhui Province;
- Shumei Cai, illegally sentenced to 5-year-prison in Hebei Province;
- YaoHua Li, 63, illegally sentenced to 3.5-year-prision in Shanghai City ;
We, the daughters and sons are:
Ping Yu, California; Weidi Wang, New York; Jin Pang, Washington D.C.; Tina Wang, Pennsylvania; Mr. Yue Shen, New York; and Mr. Yi-Yuan Chang, California.
We miss our moms so much and are worried about their safety. Please extend your hands to help rescue our moms. Your voice can make a difference and can contribute to end this 11-year-long persecution by the Chinese communist regime.
We also appreciate GMR's great help in coordinating this national petition effort.
Sincerely yours,
Ping Yu, Weidi Wang, Jin Pang, Tina Wang, Yue Shen, and Yi-Yuan Chang
To all the supporters of our rescue moms' petition:
Thank you for your support. Ms. Jinghua Ma was released in September 2009 and Ms. Linjin Zhu was release in January 2010. Their daughters, Joanna and Salina respectively, would like to thank all the supporters of our petition.
If you would, please forward our petition site to your friends and family. We hope more and more people can support us in order to get Mr. President and Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton's attention on helping free our beloved ones. We believe the care and attention from people around the world would help to release our relatives.
For more details regarding our moms' cases, please visit our website: .
Thank you.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------GMR is responsible for collecting and submitting all signatures to US government and the President of the United States.
The past nearly ten years have seen China's communist leaders violently suppress tens of millions of Chinese citizens simply for their practice of Falun Gong - a gentle spiritual practice consisting of exercises and moral teachings. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and a host of others report that tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China have been arrested on spurious charges, with thousands being sent to slave labor camps without trial. Torture is widespread, and now accounts for at least 3,000 deaths in police custody; the number is believed to be much higher.. Thousands have been stripped of their homes, jobs, educations, and even families. This situation is appalling to any person of goodwill.
The suppression of Falun Gong by Chinese authorities has spread overseas to democratic countries as well- notably here on American soil. China has attempted to influence and intimidate officials at all levels of the US government who support Falun Gong, as well as harass, threaten and violently beat US citizens here. These actions led the House of Representatives to unanimously to pass Resolution 188, calling for an investigation into these matters and action against any Chinese government personnel that are found to be involved.
The PRC's cover-up of SARS has shown that there are global consequences for lying, callous disregard for human life, and denial of accountability. These tactics have been the hallmark of the Chinese government's brutal persecution of Falun Gong from the very beginning. Now there are charges of a bird flu coverup, and a concentration camp in northeast China, used as an "organ farm" to enrich corrupt doctors and officials. The Falun Gong practitioners in the camp, once their organs are extracted for sale on the lucrative black market, are then immediately disposed of in an on-site crematorium.
In all of this, those who practice Falun Gong have remained committed to a nonviolent response; not one case of violent retaliation has been reported - either in China or abroad. They have met brutality and hatred with peaceful civil disobedience.
Therefore, we, the undersigned, call on the United States to call for an investigation into the concentration camp charges, and to demand that the government of the People's Republic of China cease its persecution of Falun Gong immediately, and release all Falun Gong prisoners of conscience, including Ms. Chunyan Wang, Ms. Shaojie Qiu, Ms. Junping Cao, Ms. Zhongxia Tian, Ms. Lijin Zhu, and Ms. Yaohua Li.
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