This petition has been created in protest against the immoral and cruel company called "Attila the Hun".
It is a company which is trapping animals of the wild some of which are endangered. Examples of animals they have killed: Mountain Lions, Arctic and North American Timber wolves, Arctic Foxes and Wolverines. They have the animals killed, and have a taxidermist mount them on helmets to sell to the public. They are also making beaver fur swimming suits!!
Here are examples of the things they are doing.
To kill these beautiful animals is unacceptable...but to make a profit from their death is even more terrible. They must be stopped!
1. Sign this petition which will be used to convince the government officials to take action.
2. On their website they have listed ways to contact them. Therfore you can contact this company to express your concern, grievance or protest to their killing of animals and making a profit from their remains. However please try to keep some level of respect in the language and words you use.
Attila The Hun Custom Ski Apparel
P O Box 497; Spinnerstown, PA 18968
Telephone: 215-529-9160
3. Contact the Pennsylvania government officials directly about this issue!
To telephone the Governor call:
(717) 787-2500.
To write a letter to the Governor send to:
Governor Edward G. Rendell's Office
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
4. Contact the Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency Press Office on this number:
(717) 787-1323
Ask for Kathleen McGinty Secretary of Environmental Protection and express your concern at the actions of this company.
5. If you know of any animal rights/anti-fur groups that would like to know about this then please contact them.
6. There is also an events page on the website where dates are posted to places they will be selling these helmets(sturgis, motorcycle rallies, etc). If they are coming to a place local to you organise a protest.
We as humans have the power to save these majestic breathtaking animals. What this company is doing is cruel and wrong.
UPDATE 13/07/07
It appears they have taken down the website.
If you go to that link you will see that they claim the website is down for maintenance, which I doubt is the case. This shows that our campaign is working!! These people now feel the need to hide what they do! So keep spreading the word and if you havent already, sign the petition.
Update 17/07/07
The website has been down for over a week now. This has cut off their main tool for selling these immoral items. This is a victory, however this does not stop these people from continuing to kill animals. Before their website went down, we gathered information on the places were they are planning to set up stalls. If you live in any of these areas, or know anyone that does, please try to set up a protest against their crimes to animals.
They will be at the following locations:
American Ski Co resorts in New England including Killington, Pico, Attitash, Sunday River & Sugarloaf
·15th Annual Eastern Traditional Archery Rendezvous
Coudersport, PA
July 26-29 2007
· Sturgis Bike Rally
Sturgis, S.D.
Aug 2007
· 14th Annual Hawkeye Traditional Shoot Marilla NY Aug 17,18,19 2007
· Biketoberfest
Daytona, Fl
Oct 2007
Keep your eyes open for these people in the New England area. They will be at bike shows in Laconia NH for Bike Week, Daytona FL for Speed Weeks, and Sturgis SD for 'Sturgis'. They will also be seen at various traditional archery shoots and rendezvous shows around the country.
We also ask you to keep spreading the word about the petition. It is also very important that the state officials investigate these people. Some of the animals they claim to have had killed are endangered species and for that they have to be investigated. The more people that sign the petition and send emails to the state officials, the more likely that they will take action.
Update 21/09/07
It has come to our attention that Attila the Hun still has access to advertising their products through the website called I have contacted ThisNext asking them to remove their support for this barbaric business. I ask our supporters and all on our friends list to do the same.
Below is the link to the page were they advertise Attila the Hun:
And this is the link to their contact page:
Thank you for your support!
The STW Team
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