Emission Free Transportation and Electricity Production

  • by: Chris  Columby
  • recipient: The world depending on what country wants to impliment first. Maybe USA
I would like for the world to convert to Emission Free Vehicles: 
Every Auto Company has bought a patent on a 300 mpg Carburator or Fuel Injection System That delivers a vapor mist instead of a squirt into the combustion chamber.  They should be held liable for NOT Installing  these Systems , Therefore Building and selling a product that is Harmful and Dangerous to The Air, Atmosphere and Peoples Health.
 2. An Internal Cumbustion Engine can be converted to run on
WATER (H2-o) By 2v of Electricity seperating the Hydrogen from Oxygen just prior to Cumbustion.
   It was done in 1980 in Santa Monica. A man and his company would covert your car to run on water for $600. The Emission By-product was Steam or distilled Water. That would Clean The Air.
 3. In 1931 Nikola Tesla , Built a Reciever ,Tuned to 246mgz ,the Earth's Electro Magnetic Field, with 12 Vacuum Tubes ,12 Resitors and 12 Coils, and 2 -3' Antennas , powerred an 80 HP Westinghouse Electric Motor.
Drove a 1931 Pierce Arrow Automobile  at 90 MPH INDEFINATELY and could provide all the electricity to power a House, while parked outside with NO Moving Parts. Like a radio . It's called Radiant Energy and it's Free as the Sunshine.  I would like to build One of Each to show the World that it CAN and Should be Done as soon as Possible. 0 -Emision Power.
  Would ANYONE  like to join me in this Endeavor to" Save Our Planet"
  It would Eliminate the need for foreign oil. Eliminate the need for Military
Conduct in Foreign Nations. End the War of Terror. Stimulate the Economies of the World, and It would IMPROVE People's Health, taking a load off of the Health Industry. AND it would make people Happy! Again!
Thank  You,
 Chris Columby Powell
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