4 DOGS ABANDONED AND LEFT TO DIE! - Demand an effort be made to find Latiese Reed

  • by: The Patrick Movement Indiana
  • recipient: Office of the Prosecuting Attorney Nicholas Hermann,   Carla Moore ~ Investigator Evansville PD  

On October 23rd 2010 Evansville, IN police were summoned to a residence in the 1600 block of  South Morton avenue following neighbor complaints of a foul odor coming from the home. Upon entering the home police discovered the decomposing bodies of 2 dogs locked in their kennels and another dog and puppy were discovered in the basement. It was determined that the animals had been deceased for at least 2 months due to starvation and dehydration. The renter of the home, Latiese Jovan Reed had not been seen by neighbors for several months as well her landlord reported that her utilities had not been paid for several months indicating that the home and animals had been abandoned by Reed. A summons was issued for Reed on January 20th 2011 in misdemeanor court for 4 counts of animal cruelty however Reed failed to appear for her February 17th court date and a bench warrant was issued for her arrest. Currently Latiese remains at large presumably in the Evansville area but no effort has been made in making an apprehension which has been openly admitted by Evansville on their own Facebook page. Reed is a 29 year old woman with 5 children who currently receives government aid therefore a current address for the individual should not be difficult for the state of Indiana to provide to Evansville police. We the animal advocates of not only Indiana but the world will not stand for such a lax effort in bringing this cruel and uncaring person to be held accountable for her actions. We demand that efforts be increased to enforce the order to appear before the judge and will not rest until justice for the four defenseless animals is served. 


 We the undersigned animal advocates demand that further effort be made in the apprehension of Lateise Jovan Reed, Case # 82DO51101CM113 4 counts misdemeanor animal cruelty. A bench warrant has been issued since February 17th, 2011 and to date no effort has been made to locate the above named individual responsible for the abandonment, cruelty and subsequent death of 4 defenseless animals left at the home rented by Reed in the 1600 block of S. Morton Ave. Reed is a recipient of public aid and therefore an address must be kept up to date with the Dept of Family Services and should be readily available to the Evansville PD. As a voice for the voiceless we will continue to pursue this effort until Reed is found and forced to face her accusations. 


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