Stop the oversupply and euthanasia of healthy pets

We need to create a SIGNIFICANT reduction in the over-supply of companion animals onto the market in Australia.

250,000 healthy, but unwanted cats and dogs are killed in Australian pounds each year.

Whilst the work that shelters, rescue groups, volunteers and foster carers do is vital, it is a band-aid. It does not solve the problem. Something must be done about the chronic over-supply into a market that does not have the capability to provide responsible homes for all.

Let's fix the problem and stop the over-supply by tackling all the reasons for it. Here's 5 great ideas we want to turn into a reality:

1. Restrict the sale of cats and dogs to ethical regulated breeders, pounds and animal shelters

2. Stop all sources of mass production of kittens and puppies for profit
i.e. stop puppy and kitten farms and backyard breeders

3. Achieve widespread desexing of all pets

4. Increase the re-homing rate in pounds and shelters via better low-kill policies

5. And of course educate everyone on responsible and caring pet ownership...

Please sign this petition so we can tell the people that count. (ie Members of Parliament, Pet Industry Associations, Veterinary Association, Media, Pounds). Thank you for your support.

"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight." Albert Schweitzer

Dear Sir/Madam

250,000 healthy, but unwanted cats and dogs are killed in Australian pounds each year 

We have system that perpetuates a cycle of breeding to excess, impulse purchasing of pets and then quiet killing of the surplus 250,000 mainly healthy cats and dogs year after year.

This is not justifiable, not ethical and not acceptable. These animals are not just statistics, each one is a live sentient being that suffers immense stress and then death.

Surely we can fix the problem and stop the oversupply and consequent euthanasia of healthy animals by tackling all the reasons for it. Here are some solutions:

1. Make de-sexing mandatory for all pets at the point of sale

2. Increase the re-homing rate in pounds and shelters by implementing better low-kill policies

3. Restrict the sale of dogs and cats to registered breeders, pounds and animal shelters only

4. Stop all sources of mass production of kittens and puppies for profit e.g. puppy mills and backyard breeders

5. Educate everyone on responsible and caring pet ownership

We the undersigned along with are determined to get change happening and open up this tragedy for everyone to see so solutions can be implemented as soon as possible.

However we need all the help we can get. So we are asking you to take up this campaign with us and we hope that the support you see here will provide the impetus you may need.

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