China Fur: Prohibit Skinning Live Animals
Petition to Prohibit Live Skinning of Animals in Chinese Fur Trade China is currently the number one exporter of fur, supplying on average 90% of the fur used worldwide. The cruelty with which this fur is harvested, ( and is unacceptable for the vast majority of the human population; it is offensive to many religions, animal rights organizations, as well as individual human sentiments as the majority believes that animals are sentient beings capable of experiencing physical and emotional pain.
- We can all make a difference. We hold the power of the demand and supply. We are the CONSUMERS. If you are touched by what you have seen here, please shop carefully. Do not buy any fur products be they clothing, shoes, or toys, especially pet toys. Most of these are wholly or partially produced in China which supplies the fur. Very often the fur is derived from domestic animals like dogs and cats, pets like our own whom we consider as family members. In many cases, even fake, or fun fur, is actually real fur so whenever possible avoid buying all fur.
- Please sign this petition and cross post to all your email contacts.
- Take the time to write to your local congress men and women urging them to support boycotting all fur from China until their government takes proper measures to instill and enforce legislature prohibiting such cruelty.
This is our voice for countless those who cannot speak for themselves. Join us in our quest to help stop senseless suffering, help our voice be heard loud and clear in unison with theirs.
Dear Sir/Madame,
We are a peaceful coalition of concerned citizens determined to change the unacceptable cruelty with which animals are treated in the Chinese fur industry. China is currently the number one exporter of fur, supplying on average 90% of the fur used worldwide. The cruelty with which this fur is harvested is unacceptable for the vast majority of the human population; it is offensive to many religions, animal rights organizations, as well as individual human sentiments as the majority believes that animals are sentient beings capable of experiencing physical and emotional pain.
- We urge you to please take all appropriate action to stop the barbaric treatment of animals as they are skinned alive and left to die a slow, excruciating death. A society that displays such inhumane treatment of any living being is not deserving of respect from its peers. Already numerous businesses are avoiding products produced in China, and unless your practices change, your reputation will not improve. Chinese principles are rooted in honour, there is nothing honourable about such blatant cruelty towards defenseless beings.
OUR APPEAL TO CANADIAN AND U.S. GOVERNMENTS - As your citizens, we appeal to your sense of what is right, what is just and what is humane. We urge you instill firm regulations on all imports from China that include natural fur. Public awareness about the cruel practices in the Chinese fur industry is growing, and those who buy into it, condone it. As our leaders and representatives, it is your duty to say, No, we will not stand for or buy into barbarism. We will not turn our heads while millions of innocent living beings cry out in agony as someone skins them alive. We will not condone heartless cruelty for the sake of a cheaper product, not in the name of the economy, not in the name of profit.
We urge you to please act to help stop this horror, and thank you for your time and attention.

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