Call for: NATIONAL AGENCY to oversee Animal Shelters in the USA

This petition has been updated to reflect on the TRAGIC..NEEDLESS death of our War Hero ..a beautiful dog called TARGET..."mistakenly" KILLED at Pinal County Shelter in Arizona USA on Monday Nov 15th 2010.
RIP dear dog..your death will not be in vain.
We will fight now for shelter reform in your honour!!

Millions of animals each year make their way through the doors of America's animal shelters.
Approximately 5,000 animal shelters operate in the United States.
They are nonprofit agencies. Some of them are run by local governments' animal contro­l services and others act as completely independent entities.

HOWEVER...There isn't a NATIONAL AGENCY that oversees animal welfare and animal shelters;  the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and other nonprofit organizations that are devoted to animal welfare but the..
HSUS and ASPCA do not provide funding for shelters nationwide.
HSUS will come to a shelter (for a fee) and make recommendations for improvement.
However, both agencies are under national fire for calling for the extermination of dogs rescued from fight rings and are attempting to defeat "Oreo's Law", which would provide for rescue of an animal about to be PTS by a qualified rescue group.
Those of us that believe in a No Kill shelter system have issues with both of those wealthy powerful groups, we believe that all deserve the chance to live whether it is in a home or sanctuary environment.
Look at what the local gov'ts are doing (Robeson, Forrest City, and many others), as well as USDA licensed "puppy mills".
Even some of our "humane societies" and "SPCAs" ..can be described as death machines.  
Lets make sure that they are held accountable for the animals welfare.
Way too many innocent animals are dying in shelters across the US.
Total reform and invetigation into work practises is badly needed..ASAP!
CALL for a NATIONAL AGENCY to be established to oversee all Animal Shelters , and make sure that they all comply with regulations and Humane guidelines.
Here is a link to the actioning group that will actively campaign for this to become a reality.
U.S National Animal Welfare/ Shelters Protection Agency (NAWSPA)-Alliance

ANIMAL SHELTERS.. its important to define the difference between these two types of shelters. A municipal shelter is run by a city, county, or other public entity and is funded by taxpayer dollars. Such shelters are staffed by civil servants who may or may not have any experience working with animals. The shelters fall under the auspices of governmental departments such as streets and sanitation, road maintenance, and the like. Their primary job, as defined in municipal codes, is to pick up stray and nuisance animals and reunite lost animals with their owners. Often, a municipal shelter must take in any unwanted animal that is brought in.

A private shelter is funded by private donations and is there to provide a safe haven for lost or displaced animals. Its primary job is to find homes for these animals. This type of facility is staffed by employees and volunteers who, at least theoretically, are knowledgeable about caring for these animals.

PLEASE SUPPORT the making of a NATIONAL AGENCY a regulatory body..that all the shelters must answer to.
RECENT HORRIFIC "MISTAKE" made at Pinal County Shlter in Arizona USA.
TARGET...a War Hero ..who together with two other dogs called Rufus and Sasha saved many soldiers at their base in Afghanistan in Feb 2010.
TARGET was KILLED on Monday Nov 15th 2010 by shelter staff negligence.
PLEASE visit Targets Facebook page.

MAY 2010...horrific staff abuse and cruelty at Forrest City Animal Control Shelter in Arkansas USA...the dogfight which was allowed to occur ..SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.
These shelters need to be accountable for their actions.
**WATCH THE HORRIFIC CRUELTY VIDEO on my petitions link.

PLEASE SEE PETITIONS that ive created.
PLEASE sign and share to all animal lovers.


New Management and REFORM for: Forrest City Animal Shelter...
PETITIONS created by Jayne Cvetanoski
Updated Nov 2010.

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