BGCH is 2 Cool 2 Bully!!!

  • by: Aliamanu BGCH
  • recipient: Clubhouses, Schools, Staff, Administration, Family, Friends
In honor of Anti-Bullying Month taking place in March 2011 at the Aliamanu BGCH, the GRLZ 4 Change is starting this petition because we see bullying occur often in our clubhouse. We are here to put an end to it. We are asking other clubhouses, schools, staff, administration, family, and friends to sign this petition to put an end to bullying all together.
Our goal is to stop bullying because it is mean and hurtful. It could lead to suicides and other dangerous outcomes. People need to be aware of their consequences when they are being a bully.

"We don't like when people bully us, if you see people being bullied please tell them to stop or get someone to tell them to stop if you are afraid."

Heather F., 11 years old

 "Bullying hurts people emotionally and physically. Instead of bullying play sports like basketball."

Huni P., 13 years old

 "If you bully people would you like them to bully you too. Dont bully."

Keonna M., 9 years old

 "Bullying doesn't make you a good person."

Gabby C., 14 years old

 "Bullying is mean."

Caitlin M., 12 years old

 "Ask her how she feels and help her avoid the situations, spend time with her, and convince her to tell someone so she can get help."

Jasmine A., 12 years old

 "Hang with your friends to prevent bullying."

Ariitema V., 12 years old

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