Animals and people suffer due to Vivisection.  Vivisection proves false results and kills million of animals and hundreds of thousands of people each yeah.
When a medicine is approved on an animal, it is approved by the FDA, making drugs available for public use.  The problem is animals react much differently than humans do to medicines and experiments.  Drugs aprroved on a monkey, cat or dog can harm or kill a human.  This has been proven  and drugs are constantly being taken back off the market because they are killing and harming people. 
Vivisection should be banned becasue there is a better, faster and cheaper ways to test drugs that prove much better results with out torturing millions of animals every year. 
VIVIESECTION IS NOT SCIENCE.  Vivisection is a built up billion dollar organization that uses our tax dollars to do cruel and unessesarry experimence that these so called scientist enjoy because they are sick minded. 
"Tested on animals only means that you can not sue us if this drug kills you." 
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