Ask Al Gore to openly address animal agriculture's harmful role in climate change.

The way we raise, slaughter, process, transport, and consume animals is one of the leading sources of harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Al Gore admits this to be true but fails to speak about this unless prompted; thereby keeping his large audiences from taking immediate and important action to fight climate change.

In 2009, it was reported that as much as 51% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions are a result of animal agriculture and associated industries. More recently, researchers have concluded that a low-meat diet would result in a 25ppm reduction in atmospheric CO2, which would help avoid the two-degree rise in temperatures that is considered by climate scientists as the safe threshold. 

Our leaders put a lot of emphasis on the move to alternative and renewable energy, which are too slow and expensive to make the difference we need, to fight the expected trend of climate change in the next couple of decades.

Ask Al Gore to let his large audiences know that by eliminating or greatly reducing their consumption of animal products they can make a huge and immediate impact in the fight against climate change.

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Dear Mr. Gore,

We, the undersigned, are asking you to start openly and actively talking about the harmful role of animal agriculture in climate change and to let people know that by eliminating or greatly reducing their consumption of animal products, they can make an immediate and substantial impact in the fight against climate change. 

We applaud your efforts in trying to get government and industry to take decisive actions to reverse global warming. However, we are disappointed that while you admit animal agriculture is a significant contributor to atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions, you do very little to highlight this in your presentations and writings.

Not everyone can afford to buy new hybrid or electric cars, or put solar panels on their houses. But everyone can transform their diet, starting now! 

Government and industry are dragging their heels in doing what is necessary to protect our planet. We cannot wait for a top-down solution to fighting climate change. People have the power to make a significant impact on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, if only they have the appropriate information. They don't need to depend on anyone to make a meaningful impact. 

By maintaining silence on the subject, you are keeping from your supporters, the one bit of information that can significantly help the fight against global warming on a large scale. This is a cultural change, yes, but not an impossible one. With our planet, our children's futures, and our very existence at risk, we ask you to show leadership now on this issue. Please speak openly to all your audiences now about how harmful animal agriculture is to climate change. 

Thank you for your time.

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