It's time for the voice of the people to be heard! We must speak out clearly and soon if we are to stop this illegal profiteering!
We, the undersigned, are citizens of the United States of America and Florida and firmly believe that the Progress Energy Company is illegally collecting our money through a rate increase to build a Nuclear Generating Plant in Florida.
From January to March of this year, Florida Progress Energy customers paid over $44 Million in pre-construction costs for the nuclear plant that may or may not be built in Levy County. Our legislators apparently never read the 193 page bill that authorized this blatantly unfair imposition on already cash-strapped Florida consumers.
Therefore, it is incumbent upon us Florida citizens to protest this Florida Statute s366.93 granting the privilege to Progress Energy and demand that the Statute be adjudged unconstitutional and struck down in accordance with Article III, Sec 11, (a), (12) of the Florida Constitution.
Imposing costs on the people for the benefit of a private corporation is a clear violation of our state's Constitution and common sense.
This petition will be delivered to the Governor, the legislature, the Public Service Commission, and the Supreme Court of the State of Florida. Please sign and share with other concerned Florida citizens!
We the undersigned protest the Progress Energy Company collecting money through a rate increase to build a nuclear generating plant in Levy County.
This is a clear violation of Article III, Sec 11, (a), (12) of the Florida Constitution and we call upon our representatives in the Florida legislature, our Public Service Commission, and the Florida Supreme Court to right this egregious imposition on the consumers of our state.
We trust that the interests of the people of Florida are more important than the profits and growth of a private company. We appreciate your attention to our concerns.
In solidarity,