It's been brought to the attention of SPP-ers around the world (literally!)that "the powers that used to be" (Slide)are scaling back SPP. No more new item releases, no re-stocking of gold items-basically letting the app die. Google purchased Slide last year & it is THEY who are now responsible for deciding SPP's fate! Sign this petition to let them know-KEEP SPP!!
We the undersigned have a mission & a request. Over a million people all over the world log in to everyday to play with virtual pets. To many that don't, it's a game worthy of nothing more than an "eye-roll" from them. To us, the SPP-ers (what we are known as), it's a place for socializing, de-stressing, dealing with depression and a way to unleash our creativity. Your company has bought Slide, Inc the company responsible for SuperPoke! Pets (SPP)existing and it's rumored you intend to do away with this app. On behalf of SPP-ers everywhere, we are asking that you keep the app available, online for us to play & preferably the way we've had it all along: weekly item releases (both for in-game coin & for cash), contests, etc and all the other things that have made it enjoyable for all of us. PLEASE KEEP SPP!
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