2 Innocent Dogs Killed at Salinas Shelter

  • by: NoKillCali
  • recipient: Mayor, City Council at Salinas, CA

We are a group of concerned citizens who are protesting recent needless killing of two dogs. These dogs were spoken for by two different rescue groups in the area. 

As reported in the Examiner on January 13, 2011 http://tinyurl.com/66xnbfj Fancy #A060631 and Little Angel, only 3 months old, ID#A061207, were killed at Salinas Shelter. 

Both of these dogs were spoken for by rescue organizations. Multiple phone calls and emails to Salinas Animal Services rescue representative, Debra Long, went unanswered. Shelter director Cynthia Burnham's communication states the wrong actual date of Fancy's "accidental" death and we are concerned whether Ms. Burnham as shelter director knows which dogs we have questions about in regard to even their deaths, accidental or otherwise.

In our experience, every rescue effort from Salinas Animal Services goes through Debra Long who organizes transport through her own rescue group, Animal Friends Rescue Project. Every one of our emails relating to rescue attempts at Salinas Animal Services has had Ms. Long's dog food company logo stamped across the signature.

We have asked Ms. Burnham repeatedly for complete records on these two dogs and her response has had a condescending tone---she wrote that we were "ignorant and "confused." 

Our group, NoKillCali, advocates for these helpless animals, and we desire only to help facilitate procedures that will increase the possibilities of their survival. NoKillCali, is officially protesting this shelter's practices. Volunteers who try to help this shelter have repeatedly been warned by fellow rescuers to not "rock the boat" and told it will not be good for rescue to complain. 
We must question Ms. Long's association with this shelter (including her dog food advertisement on shelter business correspondence) and Ms. Burnham's continual protest that there was no error in these two dogs' untimely deaths. Two dogs have been unnecessarily killed at this shelter and instead of taking responsibility for this tragedy, we feel that the shelter has lied about it and covered up their carelessness.
The Membership of NoKillCali is asking the public to sign this petition to protest the deaths of two innocent animals and demand an investigation into the questionable practices of this shelter.
We the undersigned are requesting you investigate the accountability of Debra Long and Cynthia Burnham as representatives of your shelter in the matter of the two dogs who were needlessly killed. As mentioned in the petition, we are concerned about the deaths of these dogs who were spoken for by two different rescues. We are hoping to ward off any further such tragedies and misinformation given by your shelter representatives. We hope that animals can be rescued in the future without mistakes and wrong information. We are hoping to create a method of communication in which rescue phone calls and emails can be answered in the future. We hope to work side by side with Salinas Animal Shelter to save animals in the years to come.

Thank you,
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